by Bruce Cotterill | Oct 24, 2020 | Business, Covid-19
Leadership succession is a topic that often gets plenty of conversation but very little action. Such discussions are usually played out behind closed doors, but it is fair to say that getting succession outcomes right, while very important, is also very difficult. How...
by Bruce Cotterill | Aug 5, 2020 | Business, Leadership, People Management
Lately, I’ve been involved in a series of executive reviews. Some of them were delayed from the March year end because of the lockdown, and we have just completed a couple of others based on the June year end. The executives in question have included a couple of CEO’s...
by Bruce Cotterill | Jun 21, 2020 | Blog, Business, Leadership, Reflections
Somewhere in the distant fog of my memory is a dim recollection of the highlights of my high school years. Some memories stand out. Others less so. One piece of nostalgia that is easy to overlook was my attendance at Economics class. I was in what was then called the...
by Bruce Cotterill | Jun 8, 2020 | Blog, Business, General, Reflections
It’s been good to be out and about again. And I can’t help but observe the way people in business are going about things. I saw someone the other day who reminded me of the way things were done many years ago. It made me think. He was in a selling role in a retail...
by Bruce Cotterill | Sep 4, 2019 | Blog, Business, Leadership, People Management
During the last few months, I have had the opportunity to observe, from close quarters, the behaviour and performance of a recently appointed CEO who is charged with leading a public company. For the purposes of this article, I’ll call him Peter. The person in...
by Bruce Cotterill | May 13, 2019 | Business
Over the years I have attended plenty of ‘pitches’ from people seeking to raise money for their business projects. While there are always exceptions, most are appalling, unprepared, poorly structured, and worst of all, unrehearsed. A Good Pitch Isn’t...
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