by Bruce Cotterill | May 30, 2024 | Uncategorised
Normally we have to wait until the budget comes out before we hear that most overused of post-budget phrases, “there’s nothing in the budget for me”. This time around, the serial compainers have beaten even the finance minister to it, with claims that there’s nothing...
by Bruce Cotterill | May 25, 2024 | Uncategorised
Statistics NZ announced last week that our population has now reached 5.339 million people. For decades we said that we needed our population to be over five million. Population was cited as a solution to our economic growth and financial freedom. A few years back, we...
by Bruce Cotterill | May 16, 2024 | Uncategorised
It’s nice to see our political leaders playing a constructive role on the international stage again. Last week, we saw our Foreign Minister joining other global leaders in calling for both sides in the Israeli conflict with Palestine to give serious consideration to...
by Bruce Cotterill | May 3, 2024 | Uncategorised
The latest announcements by the Remuneration Authority suggesting an increase in parliamentary salaries strikes me as a government department that is tone deaf to the state of the country and the needs of the people. Most of us are feeling the pressure brought about...
by Bruce Cotterill | Apr 27, 2024 | Uncategorised
Can you feel it? It’s the early stages of something called momentum. We’re starting to get things done. And it feels like we have some direction again. It’s a direction that not everyone will agree with. That’s ok. That’s democracy. But the majority of us voted to get...
by Bruce Cotterill | Apr 23, 2024 | Uncategorised
Media people love reporting on the media. As a result when media companies start shedding services, people or programmes in this case, it can become the biggest story in town. And so we’ve had the news items, the coverage of meetings with staff, and finally the...
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