We’ve just finished another two-week-long sporting extravaganza, courtesy of the Olympic Games.

It’s interesting that these resilient young people flash across our screens at a time when our country is at a difficult place. We are bruised economically, and divided politically.

We talk about interest rates, house prices, and losing people who don’t want to live here anymore.

And yet, in the last two weeks we have witnessed what the next generation may just be capable of. Perhaps there’s a lesson for all of us in how we treat each other and how we approach those with a different viewpoint.

A more competitive outlook, combined with respect, humility and appreciation for what we all have, wouldn’t go amiss. And then, maybe it’s time to realise that this little country that punches above its weight so often, is not such a bad place to be after all.

This article first appeared in The New Zealand Herald, 17 August, 2024.

Bruce Cotterill is a professional director, speaker and adviser to business leaders. He is the author of the book, The Best Leaders Don’t Shout, and host of the podcast, Leaders Getting Coffee.